Trinity is currently in a vacancy.
After serving faithfully for 24 years, Pastor Harris has retired, and we are currently in a vacancy. Our services will continue at the usual times unless noted here. The calendar at the end of the latest newsletter will indicate if a service will not include communion. We appreciate your prayers during this call process.
First-Time Visitor?
Sunday services are at 10:30 a.m., and Sunday School is at 9:15 a.m. Find out more here.
If you would like to hear what our services are like, we have a few example recordings available here.
- Introduction to Trinity
- Devotions and Links
- Directions / Service Times / Contact
- Monthly Newsletters and Calendars
- Pictures
- Building Use Policy
- Trinity Constitution and Bylaws (PDF)
- Documents related to leaving the LCMS
- Archive - Sermons and links from 2023 and earlier
- Seminary Scholarship Application 2024 - Due Nov. 1
Trinity Practices Closed Communion
Here is our Communion statement, which is read before Holy Communion during the Divine Service:
We welcome all of you to our celebration of Holy Communion this morning. Because of the sad divisions that exist in Christianity today, we cannot invite all of you to the Lord's Table. Trinity practices closed communion, which means we commune active members of Trinity and those guests who have been invited to commune prior to the service. If you are a guest and have not spoken to our pastor today, please do not come forward to receive Communion.